May 18, 2007

My choice for the Seven Wonders of Canada

Thanks Quodlibet for the post. I had to go and check it out for myself. Although there were many wonderful choices, I decided that I had to stick with the ones that I have seen myself, which eliminates about half of the selections. I don't have a particular order but here is my list

1. Northern Lights - Up north, you can't even begin to imagine how beautiful they are
2. Prairie Skies - I fly them and I love how much "sky" I can always see
3. Ice roads - What a feat, and I love being able to see through 10 feet of ice under my feet
4. Cathedral Grove - Stopped in last summer, a sense of awe and serenity from this place
5. The Rockies - I can never tire of them, when I've been gone, seeing them again means home
6. Sprial Tunnels - Practically crazy, I can't imagine what it was like working on them
7. Trans Canada Highway - How cool is it that one highway can take you from one side of the country to the other, allowing you to access all these wonders of Canada.

1 comment:

Quodlibet said...

Very nice! I don't know the Cathedral Grove? It must be amazing because that person whom I don't know who wrote a comment also mentioned that place. I'll add it to my list of places to go.