March 26, 2007

I gots me a digital camera

Perhaps I need to start a post like "I need to fly in a King Air". Well, yes, I have a camera and I am going to post some pics. Nothing too fancy to start with. I thought I would make my cat the first subject.

This is Ukee. She was my anniversary offering to Ben, okay, well, maybe its more like I wanted a cat so I got one. She is about 5mths old now and such a sweetie. I can't ever come down into the basement and sit at the computer without her trying to snooze somewhere in my vicinity. The kids love her and she is amazingly tolerant of them, especially when my little man starts grabbing her tail or picking her up a la Abominable Snowman in Looney Tunes ("I will hug you and pet you and squeeze you and call you George") I would feel bad for her, but she has plenty of opportunity to run away from him and seldom does. Aagh, my Ukee-Schmookee.

March 04, 2007

I need a digital camera . . .

Okay, so i have decided that I really need a digital camera. One that can fit into my kneeboard or bag or coat pocket. There are too many wonderful opportunities for pictures that I miss out on because my cameras are big and not so easy to just whip out on a whim. For instance, tonight, I got to fly to Lethbridge in a Cessna 340 with a student of mine. What a great flight and what a great airplane! But it was all about the moon . . . this great big orange ball swathed in cloud. I don't know how well a camera would have done, but I would have liked the opportunity to catch it. It only lasted for the first half of our flight.

I have always been that kid who stared out the windows everywhere we went. Even with all the trips between here and Saskatoon over my lifetime, I still enjoy the scenery. Every season gives you something new to see, a different perspective. I think that is what I like about my job. I get to see a different view all of the time and occasionally it can be absolutely phenomenal. For the rest of the time . . . beautiful.