June 29, 2007

Being a Mom

I get a Canadian magazine every month that has to do with all things related to parenting. It's kind of a guilty pleasure for me. Every month they have a one page article written by the average parent and some random type of topic. This month, the article was written by a mother who claims to be an introvert when it comes to being a mom. Wow, I thought that I was one of the only ones.

She talked about diverting her kids at the park from other groups of kids so she wouldn't have to talk to the other mom's and how she rarely could stand to set up playdates, just to name a few. I can totally relate. I love my kids, words really can't describe it, and enjoy spending time with them. I am just not the type of mom who is completely absorbed with being a mom and having to talk about it with every other mom out there. Do I feel guilty about that? No.

On my Piperencino's 4th birthday, one mom stayed behind to hang out at the party. We managed to get a few words in, amidst the commotion of five, 4 year olds. When the topic of work came up, I mentioned that I worked 3 days a week. She on the other hand is a stay-at-home mom and worded it that "she was lucky, she didn't have to work, her husband made enough so she could stay at home." At the time, I didn't think much about it. A week later, I was somehow reminded of it and I couldn't believe how upset it made me. I felt like I was being judged because I worked. She didn't care about what I did, because she never asked. She was a lucky housewife - I had to work - so does that make me unlucky? HELL NO! I know she probably didn't mean it in a rude way but why is a mom who stays at home all day luckier than the one who gets to go to work 3000feet off the ground? We all know I'm not going to work for the money! :) I want to be there for my kids but I'm not giving myself up, not all of it. I can't do it.

1 comment:

Quodlibet said...

Awesome post! You're an amazing mom and not to mention a cool mom! How many moms are a pilot and have their own motorcycle! I truly believe that just because a mom is a 'stay at home' mom does not mean that they are necessarily there for their kids any more than a mom who goes outside of the home to work. Look after mama first.