March 04, 2007

I need a digital camera . . .

Okay, so i have decided that I really need a digital camera. One that can fit into my kneeboard or bag or coat pocket. There are too many wonderful opportunities for pictures that I miss out on because my cameras are big and not so easy to just whip out on a whim. For instance, tonight, I got to fly to Lethbridge in a Cessna 340 with a student of mine. What a great flight and what a great airplane! But it was all about the moon . . . this great big orange ball swathed in cloud. I don't know how well a camera would have done, but I would have liked the opportunity to catch it. It only lasted for the first half of our flight.

I have always been that kid who stared out the windows everywhere we went. Even with all the trips between here and Saskatoon over my lifetime, I still enjoy the scenery. Every season gives you something new to see, a different perspective. I think that is what I like about my job. I get to see a different view all of the time and occasionally it can be absolutely phenomenal. For the rest of the time . . . beautiful.


Quodlibet said...

I'm so glad you finally got your flight in! I bet that was so fun! I didn't even notice the moon last night. I guess the night before was the eclipse...who knew!

Thenes said...

Eclipse? I need to keep up with the astronomical forcast. That's too bad, I always find out about cool things like that too late.

Quodlibet said...

Okay, I know you got a digital camera so cough up some pics!!