December 01, 2006

Time flying by

Well, i've been meaning to post here but just can't seem to find the time lately.It seems that there is never enough time to do the extra stuff. The extra stuff being the kind of stuff that is above the everyday necessities like eating, brushing your teeth, making sure the kids eat and brush their teeth . . . I promise, more will come.


Quodlibet said...

A - holy shit! You know I never realized until just now that you had a blog!!! I had clicked on your name once a long time ago and no blog came up and I never checked again - now there is a blog! I can't believe I didn't know till now!!!

Thenes said...

Yes, I have finally come out of the closet with my blog. I have enjoyed reading the blogs that you have links to on your blog that I decided some time ago that I should maybe contribute too. It has taken awhile but now I think I'm ready to actually update more frequently.