February 20, 2008

Running Mad

Well, I've gone and done it. My determination to get healthy has led me to sign up for a couple of organized runs. The first one is the St.Patricks Day Road Race that I did last year. It was the run that got me all fired up about running again, until I hurt my groin (what the hell?). You can choose to do 5km or 10km, so I chose the first option. I can do 5km. Now for the second race. I signed up for the Rocky Mountain Soap Company Women's Only Run in Canmore. Options, 5.5km or 11km. This time I went with the second option. Aagh, 11km! I mulled over the distances for awhile and figured that if I can run 5km in one month, I should be able to get to 11 km in about 2.5 months. Can somebody say MOTIVATION?

ps. I would love to run down this path

1 comment:

Quodlibet said...

You can do it! And, I also love that picture - I bet it smells great there!